About Us

Established in the year 1992, is a reputed manufacturers of Computer Sambrani Making Machine, Computer Sambrani Mixing Grinder Machine, Machineries New Spare Parts & Job Works, and All Kinds of Motors. We have 22 Years Experianced in this domain based in Trichy, Tamilnadu. Our product range finds extensive application in Motors industry, Machineries and New Spare Parts.
We leverage on the expertise of a highly experienced, dedicated and qualified team, Excellently equipped infrastructure facility, We follow stringent quality parameters in the manufacturing process that measures up to the best in international standards, The cornerstone of our business enterprise is an amalgamation of transparent business dealings, products at industry's best prices and timely delivery.

We are supported by a team of talented and dedicated professionals who have years of experience of the domain. Our professionals work with proper coordination among one another. These professionals utilize our infrastructural facilities efficiently and make sure that the allotted tasks are completed on time.
Client satisfaction is the motto of our organization. Every member of the team makes best efforts to provide maximum satisfaction to our clients. Personal attention is provided to each client and suitable products are provided after understanding the need of the client. Transparent dealings and client friendly policies help us to win unbreakable faith of our long listed clients.
Quality Assessment
- Follow international quality standards
- End to end quality monitoring till the batch reaches the client's doorstep
- Enhanced quality that results in reduction in reworking /rejections
- Safe and secure packaging
- Most detailed and relevant
- Zero tolerance for even minutest quality damage
Why Us?
- Excellent product quality
- Timely delivery
- Competitive prices
- Hassle-free payment mode
- Client friendly attitude